An Equal Opportunity Employer

The Maneater is funded by advertising revenue and the MU student activity fee. Students control all editorial aspects off the content and production process. The Maneater experiences a relatively quick staff turnover, meaning we’re always enthused to see new, rising talent.

The Maneater is a hands-on, student-driven newsroom defined by learning opportunities. From day one, you can develop your reporting, writing and producing skills in a variety of positions on The Maneater Staff. It’s a great way to build your resume and develop yourself as a Journalist.

Our newsroom extends opportunities to any member of the MU community, regardless of major or year. Get your journalism career started the moment you step on campus!

Report on campus news, local arts & culture, MU sports or develop your own opinion column. Jump straight into convergence journalism with multimedia and photo reporting – or engage your artistic skills within the graphics section or production design team. Get hands-on Strategic Communication experience working as a social media staff member. There is no shortage of positions for you in The Maneater newsroom.

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